Defiance and Awe

David Draiman, the lead singer of the metal band Disturbed--yes, they did that Grammy-nominated cover of “Sounds of Silence”--had once planned to be a cantor or even a rabbi. But he was also rebellious, kicked out of three Chicago yeshivas, and, as a teenager, blew up a rabbi’s van. I’ve been thinking about him a lot during these “Days of Awe.” I imagine that the yeshivas that didn’t kick him out (and maybe those that did) now proudly claim him as their own.

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I Tech, Therefore I Am: The TI-994A, Enter Magazine, and Other Too-Forgotten Things

I Tech, Therefore I Am: The TI-994A, Enter Magazine, and Other Too-Forgotten Things

I was giddy. As a little boy, I had learned how to code on a Timex Sinclair we brought home from the library in 1980, and then learned actual programs on the Texas Instruments 994A. And here it was, 1983, and the TI was selling for $50, just in time for the holidays. Our family was going to get its very own computer!

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