I Tech, Therefore I Am: The TI-994A, Enter Magazine, and Other Too-Forgotten Things

I Tech, Therefore I Am: The TI-994A, Enter Magazine, and Other Too-Forgotten Things

I was giddy. As a little boy, I had learned how to code on a Timex Sinclair we brought home from the library in 1980, and then learned actual programs on the Texas Instruments 994A. And here it was, 1983, and the TI was selling for $50, just in time for the holidays. Our family was going to get its very own computer!

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Technical Snafu Destroys Screenplay Site, Loses Scripts Forever, Lawsuits Likely: Another Small Business Cautionary Tale.

Technical Snafu Destroys Screenplay Site, Loses Scripts Forever, Lawsuits Likely: Another Small Business Cautionary Tale.

As a former indie film producer and screenwriter (and tech geek, too!), I have immersed myself in the software and web sites that cater to filmmakers and content creators. I have been of the belief that entrepreneurs who create platforms for dream-realizing are more likely to make money than the dreamers themselves. Case in point: Indiegogo, Withoutabox, and Scripped. I don't know how much money Scripped made, but it was purchased at some point by another company, one that made business-ending mistakes.

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Do "Terms of Use" on a Web Site Even Matter?

Do "Terms of Use" on a Web Site Even Matter?

When entrepreneurs in the United States start up a new small business, they often focus on launching a web site first. Inevitably, they find themselves wondering if their web site needs "Terms of Use" because they see that link at the bottom of virtually every web site of their potential competitors. Terms of Use can be an important addition to your site, but only if you understand why you have them in the first place.

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3 Client Cultivation Lessons from Last Night's "The Good Wife" Episode

3 Client Cultivation Lessons from Last Night's "The Good Wife" Episode

The Good Wife has consistently provided--week after week--high quality entertainment, let alone important business and legal lessons that make it stand apart from standard legal television fare. Its insights on the convergence between technology and law are surprising for a network drama, and its characters' complexities and moral failings are refreshing.

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Dr. Startup, or: How I Learned to Stop Complaining and Love the Micropayment

Dr. Startup, or: How I Learned to Stop Complaining and Love the Micropayment

Did the Internet and technology level the playing field for small-time artists, illustrators, musicians, or filmmakers? On the one hand, it is easier than ever before to become a web celebrity than ever before, and for the creator of creative content to monetize that content.

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Can Infringement on Etsy, CafePress, or Ebay be Considered "Fair Use?"

Sure, you know that someone registered the trademark to that logo you mock on those t-shirts you sell on CafePress. Or you've crafted a functional sculpture from food packaging that sells like hotcakes on ebay. Maybe you've printed a few lines from a famous song onto a mug and gave it the tag "Beyonce" in your Etsy store. But you can do it, right? It's fair use, right?

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You've Found The Best Space for Your Restaurant, So You Call Up Your Lawyer...

You've Found The Best Space for Your Restaurant, So You Call Up Your Lawyer...

Before plunking down a binder on a restaurant, you need to know so much more than the cost of rent. This is a complex startup operation, even if you're opening a tiny "hole-in-the-wall." When checking out different places with your realtor, have you gotten a copy of a sample lease?  Do you know the terms of the lease? How long will you have the space for?  Understand that it often takes time to become an "overnight success."  You don't want a landlord wielding too much leverage just when you get goin'.

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You're Opening A Restaurant In NY and Need to Talk to a Lawyer...

You're Opening A Restaurant In NY and Need to Talk to a Lawyer...

So you want to start up a restaurant--you have a place picked out, but you are also wise.  You know you can't go it alone. You have decided to hire an attorney to guide you through all of the potential pitfalls of restaurant management in New York.  What should you discuss with a lawyer?

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How to Start Up an Independent Film Production Company (or Have Your Lawyer Do It)

How to Start Up an Independent Film Production Company (or Have Your Lawyer Do It)

Indie filmmaking and production companies have drastically changed since the improvements of tech and the Internet. You can shoot an independent film in HD with a high-end DSLR and do your entire post-production on a laptop.  But even if you have the best line producer in New York, you still should have an idea of how to start up your very own independent film production company, with or without the guidance of a lawyer. 

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Your Artist Management Contract: 9 Clauses to Navigate

Your Artist Management Contract: 9 Clauses to Navigate

When you're an independent musician, you may feel immune to the pressures and stresses of commercial representation. But, as soon as those management sharks start swimming, you may feel as though you are live bait. While having a knowledgeable music lawyer is very helpful, here are nine of the clauses you are going to see in most artist management contracts and how you can confidently work your way through the terms.

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Your Unpaid Internship for That Production Assistant is Probably Illegal

Your Unpaid Internship for That Production Assistant is Probably Illegal

Since the beginning of independent film, music, and theater, production companies have hired young high school and college-aged (and older) workers in search of "breaking into the industry," and have chosen to not pay them.  Those days of getting real work in exchange for credit (college or screen) seem to be disappearing.

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